⇐⇐ 全期間の各業績は左側のメニューから御覧ください
Original papers(原著論文)
- Natsume,, T., Oishi, M., Oshima, N., Mukai, N., “Droplet Formulation Method for Viscous Fluid Injection Considering the Effect of Liquid-Liquid Two-Phase Flow”, ITE Transactions on Media Technology and Applications, Vol.9(1), pp. 3-41, (2021)
- Yamada S., Ito H., Ishikawa M., Yamamoto K., Yamaguchi M., Oshima M., Nozaki K., “Quantification of oscillatory shear stress from reciprocating cerebrospinal fluid motion on four-dimensional flow imaging”, American Journal of Neuroradiology, Vol.42(3), pp. 479-486, (2021)
- 大島まり, 「血流シミュレーションによる内頸動脈狭窄症の脳循環に与える影響の検証」,『化学工学』Vol.85(2), pp. 84-86, (2021)
- Matsuura, S., Takayama, T., Yuhn, C., Oshima, M., Shirasu, T., Akai, T., Isaji, T., Hoshina, K., “Carotid Stump Pressure and Contralateral Internal Carotid Stenosis Ratio During Carotid Endarterectomies: 1D-0D Hemodynamic Simulation of Cerebral Perfusion”, Annals of Vascular Diseases, Vol.14(1), pp. 1-7, (2021)
Conference presentations(学会発表)
- Yuhn, C., Chen, Y., Oshima, M., “Construction of a Data-Driven Surrogate Model for Uncertainty Quantification in 1d–0d Hemodynamic Simulation”, WCCM-ECCOMAS CONGRESS (2021)
- Natsume, T., Oishi, N., Oshima, M., Mukai, N., “Wettability Method based on Surface Free Energy between Solid and Liquid”, IWAIT2021(International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology 2021) (2021)
Original papers(原著論文)
- Yamada S., Ishikawa M., Ito H., Yamamoto K., Yamaguchi M., Oshima M., Nozaki K., “Cerebrospinal fluid dynamics in idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus on four-dimensional flow imaging”, European Radiology, Vol.30(8), pp. 4454-4465, (2020)
- Kobayashi, M., Hoshina, K., Nemoto, Y., Takagi, S., Shojima, M., Hayakawa, M., Yamada, S., Oshima, M., “A penalized spline fitting method to optimize geometric parameters of arterial centerlines extracted from medical images”, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, Vol.84, pp. 101746, doi: 10.1016/j.compmedimag.2020.101746, (2020)
- 大島まり, 山田茂樹, 「脳神経外科と数理学(8)脳血管疾患における血流の数値流体力学」,『脳神経外科』Vol.48(8), pp. 750-757, (2020)
- Takagi, K., Watahiki, R., Machida, T., Onouchi, K., Kato, K., Oshima, M., “Reliability and Inter-observer Variability of Evans’ Index and Disproportionately Enlarged Subarachnoid Space Hydrocephalus as Diagnostic Criteria for Idiopathic
Original papers(原著論文)
- C. Yuhn, K. Hoshina, K. Miyahara, M. Oshima, “Computational simulation of flow-induced arterial remodeling of the pancreaticoduodenal arcade associated with celiac artery stenosis,” Journal of Biomechanics 92, pp.146–154, 2019 (doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2019.05.043)
- Oshima M., Liang F., 「マルチスケール血流シミュレーションを用いた血行力学的刺激の予測」, 生体の科学 70(4), pp. 339-343, (2019)
- Natsume T., Oishi M., Oshima M., Mukai N., 「粒子法による液滴の滴下挙動再現と定量的評価」, 芸術科学会論文誌 Vol. 18, No. 3 pp. 106-113 (2019)
- 夏目拓也、大石正道、向井信彦、大島まり, “界面張力モデルによる脳動脈瘤用塞栓材液滴形成の比較”, 日本バイオレオロジー学会誌, Vol.33(2), p. 36 (2019)
- Miyahara, K., Hoshina, K., Nitta, J., Kimura, M., Yamamoto, S., Ohshima, M., “Hemodynamic Simulation of Pancreaticoduodenal Artery Aneurysm Formation Using an Electronic Circuit Model and a Case Series Analysis.”, Ann Vasc Dis., Vol.12(2), pp. 176-181 (2019)
- Johari, N. H., Wood, N. B., Cheng, Z., Torii, R., Oishi, M., Oshima, M., Xu, X. Y., “Disturbed Flow in a Stenosed Carotid Artery Bifurcation: Comparison of RANS-Based Transitional Model and LES with Experimental Measurements”, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 11(4), 1950032-1-21, (2019)
- Kimura, M., Hoshina, K., Kobayashi, M., Yamamoto, S., Ohshima, M., Watanabe, T., “Morphological analysis using geometric parameters for splenic aneurysms”, Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann, Vol.26, No.2, pp. 133-138, (2019)
- Kimura, M., Hoshina, K., Miyahara, K., Nitta, J., Kobayashi, M., Yamamoto, S., Ohshima, M., “Geometric analysis of ruptured and nonruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms”, J Vasc Surg., Vol.69, No.1, pp. 86-91, (2019)
- Yamada, S., Ishikawa, M, Yamamoto, K., Yamaguchi, M., Oshima, M., “Location-specific characteristics of perivascular spaces as the brain’s interstitial fluid drainage system”, Journal of the Neurological Sciences, Vol.398, pp. 9-15, (2019)
Plenary Talk
- M.Oshima, “Challenges towards clinical applications: Computational hemodynamics for cerebral circulation”, ASME – JSME – KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference 2019
Conference presentations(学会発表)
- Y. Chen, M. Kobayashi, M. Oshima, “Development of an interface for computer-assisted surgery using 1D-0D blood flow simulation,” 6th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Biomedical Engineering
- C. Yuhn, F. Liang, S. Takagi, M. Oshima, “Impact of clinical data uncertainties on the patient-specific prediction of hemodynamics following carotid artery surgery,” 6th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Biomedical Engineering
- X. Yu, C. Yuhn, M. Kobayashi, S. Yamada, M. Oshima, “Impact of 0D stenosis model on prediction accuracy of cerebral hyperperfusion syndrome considering effects due to medical data uncertainties,” 6th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Biomedical Engineering
- Yu, X., Yuhn, C., Kobayashi, M., Yamada, S., Oshima, M., “Investigation of the Effects of 0D Stenosis Model and Inflow Rate on Prediction Accuracy of Cerebral Hyperperfusion Syndrome”, CMBE 2019 (2019)
- Natsume, T., Oishi, M., Oshima, M., Mukai, N., “Particle based Droplet Simulation in Liquid-Liquid Two-phase Flow”, 23rd International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (2019)
- Oshima, M., Oshi, M., “Development of measurement techniques using micro-PIV and DHM for microfluidic applications”, The 1st Workshop on Microscaled Flow, Heat Transfer and Rheology of Comlex Fluids (2019)
- Natsume, T., Oishi, M., Mukai, N., Oshima,M., “Droplet Simulation for Cerebral Aneurysm Embolization”, IWAIT-IFMIA2019 (2019)
Original papers
- Oishi M, Kinoshita H, Fujii T and Oshima M 2018 “Phase-locked confocal micro-PIV measurement for 3D flow structure of transient droplet formation mechanism in T-shaped microjunction” Meas. Sci. Technol. 29 115204 (17pp) doi: 10.1088/1361-6501/aadff9
- Yoshiyuki Morita, Tsukasa Matsuo, Shingo Maeda, Masamichi Oishi, and Marie Oshima “Three-dimensional displacement measurement of self-oscillating gel using digital holographic microscopy” Applied Optics Vol. 57, Issue 36, pp. 10541-10547 (2018) doi: 10.1364/AO.57.010541
- N. Mukai, Y. Matsuura, M. Oishi, M. Oshima, Chromatic Aberration Based Depth Estimation in a Fluid Field, Journal of Image and Graphics, vol.6, no.1, pp.59-63, 2018
- A. Winzen, M. Oishi, M. Oshima, A numerical model‑assisted experimental design study of inertia‑based particle focusing in stepped microchannels, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, vol.22, no.28, 18pp, 2018
Conference presentations
- C. Yuhn, K. Miyahara, K. Hoshina, M. Kobayashi, M. Oshima, Computational simulation of vascular remodeling of the pancreaticoduodenal arcades in the presence of celiac artery stenosis, 8th World Congress of Biomechanics
- Y. Chen, M. Kobayashi, C. Yuhn, H. Zhang, M. Oshima, Development of an Integrated 1D-0D Simulation System with functions of 3D Modeling & Visualization, 13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics